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Poster: AshesRising Date: May 11, 2008 12:17pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: PRO IP bill easily passes House of Representatives

cousinkix1953: Thank You for taking the time to post the link. ...complicated issue but seizing property(?) Thank god I don't own anything except mountains of debt.

...the title of the legislation is dripping with irony: "Prioritizing Resources(?)!!!" ...the folks in New Orleans learned about that concept the hard way. And the title, "Copyright Czar" is just too hilarious to be true.

Moses come ridin' up to the C-zar...
Said, "You can't close the door when the wall's caved in...,"
--- AshesRising

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Poster: Jerrob Hungar Date: May 12, 2008 12:48am
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: PRO IP bill easily passes House of Representatives

Came across this lyric by John Perry Barlow while visiting Alex Allan's site (who, incidentally, is also looking for a reseed of the Hunter show).( ) which reminds me
This post was modified by Jerrob Hungar on 2008-05-12 07:48:34

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Poster: cousinkix1953 Date: May 12, 2008 11:55pm
Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: PRO IP bill easily passes House of Representatives

What gets me is their failure to bust a certain auction site. Suckers are paying dirty money, for what used to be FREE right here. The Grateful Dead are getting none of that damned money and RHINO sure as hell ain't either. And they know what the f--k is going on; because the ICE 9 man's old lady is a friend of mine. Both the Democrats and Republicans take money from the entertainment industry. RIAA/MPAA lobbyists write up whatever legislation they like and our corrupt rulers shove it down our throats. The cellular phone industry refused to scramble your conversations about 20 years ago. They paid Congress to outlaw analog 800 mhz FM receivers instead. It didn't stop certain people from eavesdropping on OJ Simpson in 1994. Remember the media illegally rebroadcasting his calls during the Bronco chase. Remember those illegal tapes of the Newtster and his pals being heard on TV? That special interest law is now meaningless, after all of these service providers switched to a digital format about 3 months ago. Your rights weren't worth a rat's azz to those lobbyists either until their networks were obsolete and they were forced into buying digital systems. Its just another example of our PARLIAMENT of WHORES doing whatever corporate johns who bankroll their campaigns want. IRAQ war not included, have you guys noticed that John McCain is now tryinhg to out liberal both Democratic opponents by pandering to their core constituent groups? Some people (both left and right) are calling him McSame now...
This post was modified by cousinkix1953 on 2008-05-13 06:55:07